Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Cutest DIY Planter Box Ideas Sure To Amaze You

Cutest DIY Planter Box Ideas Sure To Amaze You

This is a great time to dress your home with colors. You can achieve your purpose by planting flowers, ivies, veggies, herbs and fruits. Compared to the garden beds, container plants such as planter boxes save your space and they are easy to maintain. Whether big or small, container plants bring us closer to nature and add color to our homes. We have made a roundup that features a lot of ideas to make cool planter boxes by yourself. Take a look and get inspired!

1. Cut a 55 gallon drum and build a wooden cover for it to make this fabulous planter:

2. DIY hanging planter made from pallet boards:

3. Build a hexagon planter and fill it with beautiful herbs or flowering plants:

4. Decorate the deck guardrails with DIY Pallet Flower Boxes:

5. DIY cedar monogram planter box can be a wall decoration:

6 Build a planter box with a bench:

7. Tiered hanging planter boxes made from recycled wood boards:

8. Building a tall planter box is similar as a regular lo.w planter:

9. Combine several individual planter modules into a larger unit:

10. Use boards salvaged from old fences or barns to make a chevron planter box:

11. DIY concrete planter made of four concrete pavers:

12. Pallet Planter Box For Cascading Flowers:

13. This quirky planter pot table combo is perfect for succulents:

14. Build a stylish chevron two-tiered vertical planter:

15. DIY tall planter box with a rectangular form: